Thursday, March 18, 2010

Birthday Picture

No words, really.  Just a sweet girl before I gave her the real cake.

ETA:  For some reason some of my pictures and videos are not posting right.  I think there is something wrong with the sidebar so I apologize for that!

My Obsession

Okay, so most people that know me know that I LOVE dolls.  I just adore them.  About a year ago I discovered Waldorf dolls and ever since I have been hooked.  There is just something extra special about a handmade doll made with wonderful materials.  They are so much nicer than those crappy plastic dolls made in China.  It's something to actually feel good about giving your child.

I made a video to share with a friend of mine so she could see our dolls.  I decided I'd share it here, too.


My princess is one.  I just can't believe how fast this past year went by.  She is such a joy to me.  How in the world did I get so lucky to be her mother?  She is the most perfect baby girl in the world (and I'm not the least bit biased, ha!).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time Flies

Wow, it's been a while since I've visited my blog. How did that happen? I was so sure I was going to keep current with it this time.

In just a few short days Daisy Faith will be turning one. I can't get over how fast the past year flew by. The fact that my last baby is almost an entire year old astounds me. Really, where was I during that year? I know I didn't spend enough time cherishing the special moments. I'm vowing, as of right now, to really work on taking time to enjoy life..and not always looking forward to the next thing; enjoying the here and now..that's important.

Because I realize we didn't document hardly any of Daisy's first year, I went ahead and ordered Sam a Flip video camera. I'm planning on him having it on pretty much 24/7 to capture all the crazy moments of our lives. Like just yesterday as I was carrying Daisy down the stairs, I slipped on my yoga pant leg, and fell down the entire flight of stairs. That would have been just lovely to have on video tape ;o)

Another thing I've been super lax on is taking pictures of our lives. Yeah, I'm a photographer...but I need to get past the fact that all pictures need to be perfect. I need to just snap away and not worry about creating that "perfect picture". Because of the quest for the perfect picture I just don't pick up the camera some days (totally shameful, I admit).

So, right is Tuesday and I have no cake ordered, nothing planned for the baby, and no present. Her birthday is Saturday! I'd better get on it!!

And...just because I think she's dreamy....